I have a task to create a bent which contains panels and columns(see picture 1#), the variation parameter of this bent is the height.And in height 1 and 2, there should be 2 panels,and 3 panels for height 3 and 4.
So I create a family table to control the bent(see picture 2#), M4817 GIRT PLATE PARAMETER is the component which is excluded in height 1 and 2 and included in height 3 and 4.
Fill_story_height controls the bent height.
After I save this assembly and re-open it, and then choose the instance(except the generic) FHR3(see picture 3#), the height of the module don't change(see picture 4#), and a yellow warning symbol comes.
it should be like below shows,which I change the parameter in parameter box.
I can't find out the reason why the family table instance can't regenerate with the parameter changes.