We are posting here some of the best rated presentations delivered at PTC Live Global 2014*. You'll find below session titles and brief descriptions. Scroll down to get access to the presentation files.
We will add new presentations in the coming weeks. If you don’t want to miss any of these presentations, and you are not a member of the group yet, join today to receive a notification as soon as we upload a new one.
*Please notice that not all the sessions were rated by the attendees. The presentations below received the best score among those sessions that were rated.
Stephen Vaillancourt, PTC
PTC Windchill performance and stability depends heavily on a well functioning Oracle database. Unfortunately for many PTC Windchill administrators they are the mercy of their DBA's who for various reasons may not give the PTC Windchill system as much attention as maybe they should. This presentation will aim to make the PTC Windchill administrator less reliant on the DBA, and allow them to be able to tell when there are problems in Oracle and how they can deal with some of the problems which have been identified
An Admins Guide to License Management
David Haigh, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
This presentation will cover: • Learn how to create multiple license configurations and why. • Examine how to control access to specific license features and why. • Understand how to monitor license usage. Appendix – not covered in talk: Users guide to borrowing licenses and Admin guide to using flexnet tools. Many PTC Creo add-ons, like Flexible Modeling, Manikin, etc... are pricey. Buying a copy of these for each user, can quickly run into real money. Typically companies just buy a few copies. If the differences between startup extensions and floating options is not well understood, these applications often get allocated to one person, or worse yet, no one. Everyone in your organization may not need the full blown version of PTC Creo. Limiting who can access which version can help you save money by buying a fewer of the expensive version. Another example is the manufacturing software, which has a much smaller user base. If your total user base is three people, then you’re going to need three licenses. But if it’s 300 users, you’re not going to need 300 licenses. By setting the timeout to the minimum, and monitoring your actual license usage, you will be able to determine how many licenses you really need. PTCstat & CADminTools were tools that used to do this for you. Both were complex to set up and gave you more information than you really needed. The presenter will present a simpler way to monitor usage using windows scripts. This allows any admin to customize the data captured to provide only the information they want to track, no knowledge of advanced languages needed.
Is PTC Windchill Up? Is it Backing Up? Is it Down?: Configure and Monitor PTC Windchill to Communicate the Availability of Your PLM system
Shawn Lothrop, Boston Engineering Corporation
In this presentation you will learn how to configure PTC Windchill components and monitor the PTC Windchill system to communicate the availability of PLM services. Ensure your users know if the system is up, down, or in scheduled maintenance. Learn how to limit user access during scheduled maintenance and how to generate detailed system availability reports.
Why Smart Part Numbers Are Dumb and How Classification Makes Them Obsolete
Brady Buchanan, Lifetime
Do you have so called “smart” part numbers within your company? Are they working? Probably not. This presentation will provide an overview of how Lifetime products have addressed this decade’s old problem by implementing classification using PTC Windchill PartsLink. The presentation will also discuss the business and implementation benefits of using “dumb” part numbers for a PLM system. A live demo of the current PartsLink implementation at Lifetime will also be shown.
So Easy a "Grey Beard" Can Do It: The Modernization of the "Paper-Influenced" Release Process
Vanessa Martins, NASA KSC-ESC
You've heard it before--"because this is how we've always done it"--the reasoning behind using older processes in new systems, despite the frustration it may cause. With the improvements gained during PTC Windchill upgrades, sometimes the greatest challenge is not the system itself, but how to add value and embrace new capabilities to "tried-and-true" processes without overwhelming the user. This presentation will cover the approach, development, and value added through the modernization of the "paper-influenced" release processes at NASA KSC. The workflow improvements covered in this case study include efficiency, visibility, traceability, and ease of use.
Tracking CAD Licenses for a Thousand Users: Stay Informed
Edwin Muirhead, Weatherford
When you have many people around the company all using a shared pool of floating licenses, sometimes it's difficult to know who is using what. It can be a challenge to know how well-utilised your licenses are, where you could cut back, and where you should add more. We now have over one thousand CAD users, including 700+ PTC Creo, 300+ Autocad, and a few others. We use a graphical web-based system to track usage weekly and monthly. This allows us to spot trends in usage, and to be well-informed ahead of license renewals. The tracker also connects with a user database, so we can target people on specific software versions with emails or updates. This software was previously released as open-source (CADminTools) - and an updated version of it will be available for folks to try.
Design Collaboration from Anywhere in an Instant
William Cockrell, Lance Lie and Peter Loney, Raytheon
Utilization of PTC Creo View and PTC Windchill PDMLink to realize design collaboration between engineers located in different buildings, sites, states, and even countries. With over 68,000 employees worldwide and 155 offices located in North America alone, a new approach to design reviews was needed to support Raytheon’s Design Anywhere, Build Anywhere, Support Anywhere vision.
Deriving Value from Consistent Support and Training
Vincent Varouh, Vantage Partners LLC @ NASA's Glenn Research Center
With the ever-increasing push to limit budgets, providing for support and training can be a daunting task. There are several reasons why you want to provide access to support and training to your users, all of which add value to your organization. These include knowledge sharing, productivity, fostering discussion and innovation, and a sense of security from the user base. In order to be successful, you will need to know your users – their strengths, weaknesses, interests and desires. When providing support, know when the users want the short answer and when they need a coach to find out “why?” The key to providing training will be to build from what you know of your user base. Knowing your users will help you to define a path to success, and ultimately returning the value to your organization.
PTC Windchill PDMLink: 13 Tips In 39 Minutes
Brian Krieger, Peterbilt Motors
Three minutes per tip, it can be done! Tips include page navigation functionality, environment customization, working with promotion requests and working with workspace data.
A Million to One: How We Brought a Million CAD Files from 14 Pro/Intralink Servers onto One PTC Windchill Instance
Edwin Muirhead, Weatherford
During 2012 Weatherford migrated 14 separate Pro/Intralink instances to a single existing PTC Windchill server. This was accomplished by a small in-house team who took care of the planning, preparation, training, migrations and follow-up. This almighty task will be described in detail from the perspective of a man involved at the sharp end: having spent many hours analysing data, hacking servers, training people and troubleshooting a range of issues, and nearly recovered!
Designing the Smallest, Cheapest and Lightest Film Camera in the World with PTC Creo Using Mechanism, Inheritance Feature and Behavioral Modelling (Best Practical Takeaways)
Ulf Handberg, Avalon Product Development AB
Using an older design as an example, the presenter will show how to use advanced PTC Creo Parametric techniques to optimize the design process and the design. This includes inheritance features to share data between models, mechanism and mechanism dynamics to analyze movement and forces of moving parts and Behavioral Modeling Extension to optimize some critical design challenges. After a brief introduction of the problem the presenter will show examples of specific use of the techniques mentioned above. Some general tips and tricks will also be discussed .. during the presentation which also includes a live demo.
One Click PTC Creo Deployment (Best PTC Creo Presentation)
Lee Hughes, Kohler Company
Deploying PTC Creo to remote computers can be a tedious task if a server based install is not an option. With one click deployment (utility and technique) and ardouos task can be done quickly an efficiently.
From Zero to Positioning Assemblies in One Month! (Best PTC Windchill Presentation)
Charles Foreman and Jim Ellis, JLG Industries, Inc.
This presentation explains the details of configuring your PTC Windchill and PTC Creo Parametric environment to support publishing positioning assemblies and extended positioning assemblies at every level of your product structure. This will dramatically reduce disk utilization on the server and make your end users happy by providing them with visual representations that are always up to date. The presenters will explain how a very small amount of PTC Creo J-Link and PTC Windchill Java code can make the transition nearly painless and effortless for your end users.
Mapkeys and Trail Files: Increase PTC Creo Parametric Drawing Productivity (Best Overall Presentation)
Leonard Erickson, Cook Medical
Is your PTC Creo Parametric drawing creation/modifications/projects taking too much of your time? Then this presentation is a must see for administrators and users who are tired of making the same mouse and keyboard strokes over and over again during their PTC Creo Parametric drawing documentation sessions. The presenter will demonstrate the power of utilizing mapkeys, with the inclusion of trail and batch files, which will reduce monotonous keystrokes, menu surfing and mouse clicks, thereby eliminating data omission and typos, ultimately diminishing the documentation timetable. Attendees will learn how to effectively create/edit mapkeys while incorporating trail and batch files that are specific to their business models in order to compress the process of accurately creating/modifying PTC Creo Parametric drawings. A CAPA project creating 2nd sheets employing complex mapkey examples will be demonstrated to show the effectiveness of company wide implementation to maintain standards and the time saving realization when using mapkeys.