Refer to PTC Document CS163539 for issues for remote debugging.
A. For single Method server and "NO"background method server on a development environment:
The process to enable JPDA debugging is the same regardless of the Java application being debugged. The developer needs to specify a few arguments to the JVM when starting the application. To enable JPDA debugging, add the following arguments to the wt.manager.cmd.MethodServer.debug.args line in the file as shown below.
xconfmanager -s "wt.manager.cmd.MethodServer.debug.args=-Djava.compiler\=NONE -Xnoagent -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport\=dt_socket,address\=9999,server\=y,suspend\=n" -t codebase/ -p
B. For single Method server and one background method server on a development environment:
wt.manager.cmd.BackgroundMethodServer.param.15=-agentlib\:jdwp\=transport\=dt_socket,address\=9001,server\=y,suspend\=n settings:
<Property name="wt.manager.cmd.MethodServer.debug.args" default="{15}"/>
<Property name="wt.manager.cmd.MethodServer.param.15" default="-agentlib\:jdwp\=transport\=dt_socket,address\=9000,server\=y,suspend\=n"/>
<Property name="wt.manager.cmd.BackgroundMethodServer.param.15" default="-agentlib\:jdwp\=transport\=dt_socket,address\=9001,server\=y,suspend\=n"/>
Eclipse setup for debugging
An Eclipse project needs to include a Remote Java Application Debug configuration setup in order to debug remotely. The remote debug configuration will listen for an action invoke on the Windchill server through a port number, example port 9001.